Introduction to Digital Research Skills

Learning effective approaches to finding and using information online

Content & learning objectives

In this lesson you will be introduced to the idea of ‘information literacy’ and how to use online resources to help inform your study and research (for an essay, project, or report, for example)

The lesson covers ideas of paraphrasing, referencing and other approaches to avoiding plagiarism (also explained in this lesson) or other forms of academic misconduct. This is a useful first lesson on these important topics.

Click on the image to follow through an interactive online lesson and, if you successfully complete it and an associated quiz, you can earn a digital badge.

Resources for learners, trainers, and developers

Are there badges available for this topic?

Yes. There is a basic knowledge badge, awarded to anyone who successfully completes the online lesson and quiz.


How can we run a workshop or classroom session on this topic?

The topics covered in this lesson are often addressed in workshops and training provided by institutional libraries, study skills units, and others.   Workshop sessions can provide practical examples which participants can critique, identifying problems or issues. It would also be effective to incorporate training on proper approaches to synethesising and paraphrasing as part of the development of academic writing skills.

Are there resources and materials available?

Yes. There are lots of materials on the web, a number of which are listed opposite. These are a good starting point, particularly the case study examples listed.

Can I download a copy of this interactive lesson?

Yes. We provide all the materials which we have developed (or adapted, subject to licence permissions) for use under a CC BY-NC 4.0 licence.  We will shortly be making downloadable SCORM versions available here.

Further information & useful links:

My Learning Essentials, from the University of Manchester Library:

The American Library Association’s definition of ‘information literacy’:

UCD Library guide to avoiding plagiarism :